Blog - All Health Training

Team Member Spotlight - say hi to Dilini!

Written by Kate Bell | 11/16/21 5:10 AM

We love sharing information about our team and why they love what they do. This also gives you a chance to get to know us and our incredible team at All Health Training!

Today, we will be introducing you to our Flexible Learning Administrator, Dilini.
Dilini commenced at AHT as an intern and quickly became full-time employed with AHT. November 2021, marks Dilini’s 4 year anniversary!



Dilini's role at AHT,  includes coordinating our Flexible learning Program. Amongst that role, Dilini regularly speaks to new or continuing students enquiring about this program and inducting students into the program on a monthly basis.


She is the main point of contact for students who have enrolled into the program, tracking their progress, releasing their assessment booklets and acts as an conduit between trainer and student if there are any qualification specific questions. Dilini organises students to attend practical sessions and assessments, ensuring enough students attend these sessions so it is worthwhile for all involved, as well as ensuring students are ready for practical work placement.


We asked Dilini some questions to help us all better understand why she loves what she does, here they are:

What do you love most about your role?

Many things! I love that I was able to grow with my role. What I did in 2017/2018 is different to what I am doing now. I slowly took on more responsibilities as I gained confidence in myself for this role.

I enjoy the long term relationships I form with students. With Flexi, students are enrolled for an average of 12 months, I am invested in their education and thrive on that.  I enjoy reading about why they initially enrolled into the qualification through LLN/PTR discussions and seeing them achieve the goal they had set out for themselves!
I also love seeing this program grow and develop to what it is today and how I helped implement changes and new processes that are being used today.

What do you personally get out of assisting students achieve their study & career goals?

Its rewarding! It makes me happy when a student thanks me for assisting with their learning journey or hearing from students after they have completed their qualification upon successfully gaining employment.

What is one thing you would tell a student looking to undertake a career in healthcare via the flexible learning program?

The Flexible Learning program is a great way to gain your qualification. This program is designed to work around your other commitments including work and family. This is a self-paced program that requires individuals to be motivated and self-sufficient. If you believe this suits your type of learning.. then this is the program for you!

What is your favorite saying or quote?

If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way

What do you love doing in your spare time 

I am an avid book reader, board gamer and enjoy exploring nature! I find these to be a great escape and equally relaxing.


And last but not least, we asked our management team what their thoughts on Dilini is - here's what they had to say:

It’s a pleasure to have Dilini on our team - genuine, calm and diligent! She represents the values of AHT  beautifully - she cares about all the flexible learning students and wants to support them to achieve their goals.


Happy 4 years with AHT Dilini!